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Mac Quick Keys

For example, to create a shortcut for the copyright symbol on Mac: Type in the © character into your editor as described above and copy it with Command + C. Open System Preferences Keyboard. Navigate to the Text tab. Click the plus sign. Paste your © symbol in the With column on the right. Displays the Mac OS X Help Viewer: Command+Shift+A: Takes you to your Applications folder: Command+Shift+C: Takes you to the top-level Computer location: Command+Shift+G: Takes you to a folder that you specify: Command+Shift+H: Takes you to your Home folder: Command+Shift+I: Connects you to your iDisk: Command+Shift+Q: Logs you out: Command+Shift+N. WikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 10 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.


Keyboard shortcuts save time – tons of it. Every time you reach for your mouse, you lose efficiency; just try taking your mouse away for just 5 minutes and you’ll know what your “mouse dependency factor” really is! External hard drive not mounting mac.

If you can keep your fingers on the keyboard, you will get more done in less time. At its core, QuickBooks® for Mac works essentially the same as QuickBooks Desktop, so there is no reason you can’t use the keyboard shortcuts you learned for Windows on your client’s Mac keyboard.

The secret to using the keyboard shortcuts when you’re working on a Mac is to replace the Windows “ctrl” key with the Mac “command” key.

Finding the Mac “command” key is easy. It always has the “command” symbol on it and it is always on either side of the space bar on the Mac keyboard:

If you can’t find the “command” key, you’re not on a Mac keyboard!

Learning the Keyboard Shortcuts takes only stubborn determination. Start with the basics; you can use these in any Mac program. https://aorju.over-blog.com/2020/12/yamaha-dgx-220-midi-driver-for-mac.html.

Next, “wow” your clients by opening a List without touching the mouse:

Then Add, Edit, or Delete names with these shortcuts:

Once you start using these shortcuts, you are ready to shave precious time entering Transactions: Free software to edit pictures for mac.

Next, adopt Troubleshooting shortcuts. One my favorites is Transaction History:

Mac Quick Keys

Last, learn to keep your QuickBooks for Mac tidy by closing reports or whatever windows are open when you are done using them. Close just the open window or all your open windows at once. Too many open windows makes QuickBooks run slow and re-running cash-basis reports can be grueling. When you are done with your engagement, clean up your Workspace with these shortcuts:

Microsoft Quick Keys

Want to learn more QuickBooks for Mac?

Imac Key Shortcuts

Join my LinkedIn Group: QuickBooks for Mac Professionals to grow your QuickBooks for Mac consulting practice by networking with other professionals who make QuickBooks for Mac their business.

Mac Quick Key Commands

Here’s a video with more information: Free casino games download full version.

Mac Quick Keys
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